I keep shouting this to high heaven, but the Reaper DAW is modular enough to turn it into a podcast editing powerhouse; the podcast community continues to ignore it for an Audacity / Garageband recommendation.

Reaper is only $60 for a single license, with no bullshit monthly fees.

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Nice! I (Brian) have mostly worked in Audition and haven’t tried Reaper, but I’ll definitely give it a shot in the near future. Seems like a good alternative to Audacity and GarageBand.

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I second the Reaper love. We have only ever used Reaper for recording and the editing. Then I post my edit back to the FTP server and sound design can lay everything right on top of the edit. I can leave markers and notes for them too. We are still learning things about the great way Reaper enhances and streamlines our podcast's production process.

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